Drivergent is creating solutions to help school and districts alleviate many of the effects caused by these school bus driver staffing shortages. In the coming months, Drivergent will begin offering some of the following driver staffing solutions:
Immediate Relief
Helping our partners cover their open work and return them to normal and consistent operating conditions.
Change Perceptions
Working towards changing the public perception of the school bus driver position to increase industry staffing.
Recharging a stressed industry
Providing relief and support to an industry that has been short-staffed & overwhelmed for nearly a decade.
New Directions
As the industry and economy continues to change, we will help lead new ways of managing local operations.

Please Contact Us to discuss your staffing needs and we can discuss the following options to create the right solution for you:
- Short & Long term temporary school bus driver staffing
- Drivers report to work at your location and utilize your vehicle fleet
- Drivers follow both Drivergent and your district operating guidelines
- Hourly billing for clear budget planning
- Considerable cost savings with reduced recruiting, hiring, training, benefit costs
- No long-term commitments necessary